Tag Archives: Actual Play

Tales of his majesty’s ref, Session 003

Welcome to the Relative Dimension!

Welcome to Session 3 of Earthdawn 4th edition. Tonight, we have all of our players, and so the group of Adepts continues their journey to Kaer Bisati, which is presumed to be sealed still. The Adepts discover some dead animals, and then things get weirder when undead attack!

If you enjoy our show, please consider subscribing, or supporting us on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/relativedimen...

Your support helps to purchase new game materials such as maps, modules for Roll20, and PDFs for the players, etc.

If you would like to check out our podcast episodes, or the occasional blog that we put out, please check out our website at https://www.relativedimension.com/

Want to chat with the GM or players? Come join our Discord server at https://discord.gg/HYZxjB2

If you would like to show your support, please consider subscribing on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/relativedpod

Or check out our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/relativedimension

Your support helps to pay for hosting, purchasing new gaming materials, and for future commissions for art or maps.

Find me on Twitter @relativedpod

Intro Music is Darkness at Dawn; by Christie Luther

Outtro Music is Rapture by Ross Bugden, you can find his video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vja87ZXejyk&list=PLMFmJLFhkDPGSdV5C6E_Y-ZJnQXr4Gjxy&index=8

additional music provided by Syrinscape.

Earthdawn is a registered trademark of FASA Corporation. Any use of FASA’s trademarks or copyrighted material is not intended as a challenge to those trademarks or copyrights.

Tales of his majesty’s ref, Session 002

Welcome to the Relative Dimension!

Welcome to Session 2 of Earthdawn 4th edition. Tonight, we have more of our players, and so the group of Adepts will get to depart of their journey after a little more preparation. Mianne, a Troubador that was sort of responsible for creating this group of adepts, has provided some information where they might find a Kaer that doesn’t seem to have been Opened yet. It could be that the inhabitants don’t know that the Scourge is over, or it could be that they didn’t survive. In any case, Mianne has send the Adepts to open the kaer, and hopefully to retrieve some important books.

If you enjoy our show, please consider subscribing, or supporting us on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/relativedimen...

Your support helps to purchase new game materials such as maps, modules for Roll20, and PDFs for the players, etc.

If you would like to check out our podcast episodes, or the occasional blog that we put out, please check out our website at https://www.relativedimension.com/

Want to chat with the GM or players? Come join our Discord server at https://discord.gg/HYZxjB2

If you would like to show your support, please consider subscribing on Twitch, or check out our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/relativedimension

Your support helps to pay for hosting, purchasing new gaming materials, and for future commissions for art or maps.

Find me on Twitter @relativedpod

Intro Music is Darkness at Dawn; by Christie Luther

Outtro Music is Rapture by Ross Bugden, you can find his video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vja87ZXejyk&list=PLMFmJLFhkDPGSdV5C6E_Y-ZJnQXr4Gjxy&index=8

additional music provided by Syrinscape.

Earthdawn is a registered trademark of FASA Corporation. Any use of FASA’s trademarks or copyrighted material is not intended as a challenge to those trademarks or copyrights.

Cyberpunk Red, The Apartment. Part 1

Welcome to the Relative Dimension.
Tonight is part 1 of the adventure from the Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart kit, The Apartment.  One of the players was new to Cyberpunk entirely, while the other had played 2020 in the past, so I left some of the game discussion in, especially in the beginning.

If you would like to purchase the Jumpstart Kit, you may buy the physical product from R. Talsorian Games at https://talsorianstore.com/collections/cyberpunk/products/cyberpunk-red-jumpstart-kit
Or, you can purchase the PDF from Drivethru RPG at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/279014/Cyberpunk-Red-Jumpstart-Kit?affiliate_id=954647

The intro music is Collapse, from the album I Am Mortal, But Was Fiend.  Which you can find at https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Sioum/I_Am_Mortal_But_Was_Fiend/Sioum_-_I_Am_Mortal_But_Was_Fiend_-_12_Collapse

Additional background music provided by Syrinscape.


Tomb of Annihilation, Episode 001

Relative Dimension presents Dungeons & Dragons, Tomb of Annihilation.

While this is episode 1 of the ToA stream/playthrough, this is the 3rd session that we played.  The first 2 sessions were a prequel, and if you want to watch them, you can find them on youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sGGCEB3D64&list=PLiFwxMpKGD7OyrBmPvc580Rnt-5C_xXqT

Cast of Characters.
Malwyn – Human Cleric of Tyr
Thrakk – Dragonborn Paladin of kelemvor
Twillen – Gnome Druid
Nexus – Gnome Shadow Sorcerer
Ears – Tabaxi Rogue
Fixer – Warforged Artificer


The Forsaken Frontier, EPisode 004. Prairie Ticks

We are experiencing some audio issues in this episode, and likely the next one.  I tried to correct as much as I could,. but too much more would have meant practically deleting all of the corrupted audio and not having much of obe of the player’s presence in the game.  Craigbot for Discord recently had an update that might help prevent this sort of problem in the future, but that is a few episodes down the line, so I am not yet sure how well it works.  Thank you for bearing with us..

In this episode, the group goes hunting Prairie Ticks..
