Tag Archives: Deadlands

The Forsaken Frontier, EPisode 004. Prairie Ticks

We are experiencing some audio issues in this episode, and likely the next one.  I tried to correct as much as I could,. but too much more would have meant practically deleting all of the corrupted audio and not having much of obe of the player’s presence in the game.  Craigbot for Discord recently had an update that might help prevent this sort of problem in the future, but that is a few episodes down the line, so I am not yet sure how well it works.  Thank you for bearing with us..

In this episode, the group goes hunting Prairie Ticks..


Deadlands Vote 1

Hopefully you’ve heard our character creation session. Well, I was originally planning on starting with 5, and have since strongly considered starting with a 6th.
If you haven’t listened yet, you can find it at

Deadlands 000, Session 0

or at

The problem is that we have two candidates that need to be selected among. So, here’s the first file. If you haven’t listened to our character creation session, our original cast of 5 are as follows

Sonny McBride – Comes from north of Dodge, family big in cattle ranching, and she dreams of starting her own ranch in Liberty Montana.

Missouri (Mad Scientist) – Adopted daughter of a weapons manufacturer, looking to take over the family business. Also a ahem scientist.

Jaylen Nad – young Mormon hayseed, who’s just travelling around trying to do the right thing

James Richter (Blessed) – Preacher of German descent, Southern Baptist, former soldier, just looking to settle down and tend a flock

Evan Stone (Huckster) – Gambler who used to travel around with his Old Man, learning the ropes, and the tables. When his father was killed recently, Evan took his early printing of Hoyle’s Book of Games, and fled west, trying to evade his father’s murderers.

Please listen to these and decide which you think would best fit our starting 5. If you prefer Candidate 1, please send an email to vote@relativedimension.com with the subject line of “Deadlands Candidate 1.”
Use “Deadlands Candidate 2” if you prefer the second candidate. The deadline for the vote is Monday September 3, 8pm EST