Tag Archives: Vatican

Artificium Occulte Venatores. Session 000, Character Generation and Worldbuilding

Welcome to the Relative Dimension.

This is Session 0 of Artificium Occulte Venatores, or, Hidden Artifact Hunters if you will.

In this episode, we discuss character concepts, answer a few questions that help build the world in which the PCs will be exploring.

If you would like to have a hand in directing the story, we have a few Patreon pledge rewards where you can have your idea for a location or artifact for the PCs to visit or retrieve.  You can also create a Major NPC for the campaign.  If you would like to support the show, visit https://www.patreon.com/relativedimension  Continue reading Artificium Occulte Venatores. Session 000, Character Generation and Worldbuilding